
On this page we list permanent charity-shops and seasonal brocantes - a favourite French activity. Very similar to car-boot sales or community sales in the UK but the larger ones will include commercial stall holders. Seasonal fairs - as distinct from the weekly farmers market each commune has - will also be included here; some of these are very big.


Most of these second-hand markets are supporting charitable activities
They will all accept material donations - some will come and collect furniture for you.


  • Emmaüs Ruffec - new location is open at Condac 
    • 14:00-17:00 Wed, Fri, Sat
  • Emmaüs La Couronne, Angouleme
    • Wed 10:00-12:00, 14:00-17:30
    • Fri 14:00-17:00
    • Sat 10:00-12:00, 14:00-17:30 
  • Emmaüs Cognac new hours for 2019 Cognac 
    • Wed 14:00-17:30
    • Fri 14:00-17:30
    • Sat 9:30-12:30, 14:00-17:00 
  • Emmaüs Poitiers
    • 14:30-17:00 Tue, Wed, Fri & Sat

La Boite Greniers

    Both stores open every day 10:00-18:30

Charity Shops

10-16 Hope 16 Ansac sur Vienne 16
9:30-11:30 Secours Populaire, Confolens next to cinema 16 
10-16 Ark 79 Sainte Soline 79

14-16 Red Cross Confolens, next to cinema 16
10-16 l'oasisnouv'l St Laurent de Ceris 16
14-17 Emmaüs Ruffec/Condac 16
10-17 Rainbow Charity Shop Bussière-Poitevine 87

9:30-11:30 Secours Populaire, Confolens next to cinema 16
10-16 Hope 79 Sauzé-Vaussais 79
10-16 l'oasisnouv'l St Laurent de Ceris 16

10-16 Hope 16 Ansac sur Vienne 16
10-16 l'oasisnouv'l St Laurent de Ceris 16
14-17 Emmaüs Ruffec/Condac 16

14-16 Red Cross  Confolens, next to cinema; 2nd Saturday in the month 16
10-16 l'oasisnouv'l St Laurent de Ceris 16
10-16 Ark 79 Sainte Soline79 last Saturday in the month
14-17 Emmaüs Ruffec/Condac 16

10-16 Hope 16 Ansac sur Vienne 2nd Sunday in the month 16
10-16 Hope 79 Sauzé-Vaussais 79 1st Sunday in the month
 9-17 Recyclerie, Manot 2nd Sunday of the month  16
10-16 l'oasisnouv'l St Laurent de Ceris 16

Also Boutique Gratuit|Free Shop : 4 Beulieu, Etagnac

Seasonal: Google

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