If you are starting a business here, you may be able to get financial assistance for one-on-one learning.
Since Covid restrictions forced us to cancel the classes in 2019, it has so far proved impossible to reorganise them in 2021. Lots of reasons...
One-on-one Teaching
There are a couple of classes also based in the centre; please ask in the centre for more informationRuffec
There are no specific fees beyond annual membership of the centre, however, class sizes are small so places are limited. Call-in to the centre - its beside the post-office - for more information.
Chabanais & Roumazières-Loubert
Courses at various levels including study for Diplôme d’Etudes en Langue Française (DEFL) from A1 to B2 - DEFL B1 is the minimum needed to acquire French citizenship.
More general classes are held in:
- Chabanais: Monday evenings at 19:15
- Roumazières-Loubert: Thursday afternoon from 13:30