These days, you can still repair almost anything, especially with the information and help videos available for free on the Internet.
Also since March 2017 manufacturers have been obliged to indicate how long spares and parts will be available - but unfortunately very few supply this information at point-of-sale.
So in principal, there is little to stop you - except you may not know where to find the bits or tools you need...
- have 300 videos + 8 million parts
- How to repair lots of things from broken zips on handbags to damaged game controllers
- specialise in smartphones and tablets
- Repair Cafés : over 100 throughout France, including one in Condac (near Ruffec) and Angouleme; volunteers help you repair
- ateliers d'autoreparation supply garage + tools + advice for DIY
- envie (same idea as Emmaüs) repair anything for 39€ using second-hand parts; all over France
Suppliers of Spare Parts
- parts + videos + info
- spares for almost anything - over 8 million parts. You should have available: the type of equipment you are repairing (in French), the brand or marque and the model number. After that you should be able to locate what you need. Delivery can take a couple of weeks either to your door or at a relais location for collection. Payment by Credit Card (no paypal). They will usually send you a video of how to install the part you ordered.
- car/auto genuine parts
- phones, et manuals, info, tools